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Hi Everyone,

Thought I would give an update on what is happening.

I was going to go for more lasering, but looked at my tattoos and compared them to the last lot of photos of them and I realised that there is very little difference. I think the blue, green and pink have faded as much as they are going to with the current laser. The black and the red are almost gone in some places. So I have decided to give my skin a rest for a while and then look into finding somewhere with a ruby laser. I think that will be my only other option for fading the remaining colour. If that doesn't do it, then I guess I am stuck with seven very faded tattoos!

On the plus side, now they are much faded, I am not as conscious of them as I was. On the down side, I still cannot wear sleeveless tops, as half-faded tattoos don't look very good. Also, I do have a fair bit of scarring from the lasering, but I am hoping this will fade over time. Every day, twice as day, I am applying unrefined shea butter to the tattoos.

Next month, I shall put some photos on here of how my tattoos now look, so you can compare them to the other photos.

I would enjoy hearing how anyone else is getting on. I do enjoy reading the comments. If I don't always reply straight away, it is because I don't get email updates when anyone posts a comment, so don't notice new comments until I come back to update my blog.

Good luck to everyone going through the laser process.
Tattoos Removear Laser Tattoos Removear Laser